Safe Room

Safe Room

Safe Room

With Written Permission By
Universal Laws Publishing

The Following Is Presented From
Chemical/Biological WarFare:
How You Can Survive

Fourth Edition

One Minute:

    The common denominator for all decontaminants (liquid chlorine bleach, perborates, borax, etc.) is that, though they effectively detox and remove CW (Chemical) agents on the skin, you only have one minute to do so; after that, even though you decontaminate thoroughly and wash again effectively, if you are not well–practiced for this in your mind and body, you are going to be in trouble. The skin is most vulnerable to the neural agents.

You Can Get Perborates Here: Perborate Perborate Label

    Experience shows that time is the most stringent factor. It takes about one minute for the CW agents to be absorbed through the skin. Actually, you are attempting to neutralize the chemical agents as fast as possible. The resulting neutralization products or sludge may take longer to wash off.

    The decontaminants cannot detox and remove that which is absorbed by the skin, even that which is superficially absorbed. Once absorbed into the underlying fatty tissues and "fed" into the vascular (blood) network, you can still get poisoned. You have around 30 minutes to take appropriate action if the agents are absorbed. If you are lucky, and can get the military issue of auto–injectors, this is when you'd use this if symptoms began to manifest. Also, see the previous chapter on Nerve Function for other modalities you can do.

Procedures Needed for Decontamination.

    When an alert is sounded and/or you suspect that you have been exposed to a major chemical/biological warfare (large numbers of animals and/or people becoming sick with no apparent explanation; hospitals/medical facilities becoming congested with sick and dying people without explanation, and veterinarians suddenly back–logged with sick and/or dying animals) attack, then it is time to:

  • Put protective mask, suit and hood, and remaining gear on immediately! Don't get the mask filter wet—the filter becomes worthless when wet (have several filters on hand).

        This will be a difficult procedure, if your protective suit does not have a hood. You must protect the eyes & lungs from blistering and chemical agents as fast as possible. The lungs will be a rapid port of entry. The skin takes about a minute or so for some binary nerve agents to absorb—that's fast (binary—two comparative non–toxic initial substances that are stored in the projectile, grenade, etc., in separate compartments, and mixed in delivery prior to detonation, forming the deadly, toxic nerve agent). The vesicant or blistering agent, such as the mustards, that enter through the lungs or swallowed can take from hours up to two days before pain is experienced. Since it has circulated throughout your body, damage is done. The eyes may blister and tear immediately. Therefore, be practiced in your mind on what you are going to do, and do it. The eyes could be burnt and become blinded then, or later. Use the mask. You want to create a protective barrier between you and the chemical and biological agents.

        Move to a safe indoors area, out of harm's way if possible. If you plan to stay in your home suited and masked, have safe room(s) designated, primarily for chemical exposure, so you don't have to be in your mask for longer than is necessary in order to get to safety. In biological exposure, you have time; in chemical, you don't have this luxury.

        The protective suit and mask, especially the latter, can cause problems. What people are hearing about the "gas mask" is more often than not given without explaining the facts, and what brought on morbidity, and in some instances, death for the user. All you are given is that they are dangerous—they can be, if you don't read well, and with understanding, without knowing the facts governing mask operation. Read the instructions and practice them!

        The first protocol is to practice with your mask, without using the filter canister. But be familiar with opening the sealed ends. If you practice with this, you may invariably open one of the seals, eventually destroying its effective use. In a situation of panic and desperation, strange things can happen, with deadly results.

        During the Gulf War, 13 civilians in Israel died of suffocation because of improper usage, including failure to remove the filter caps. The inhalation caused the mask to stick to their faces, and they were so inept on simply pulling on the release straps, they suffocated. Generally, these people are practiced with the use of the Israeli protective mask; this should not have occurred, but panic can cause you to forget. The practice should be performed hundreds of times to lay new memory and action, else you resort to old habits under dire stress.

        Another 114 Israeli citizens died of cardiorespiratory problems while using the mask in sealed rooms. Breathing is restricted in the mask and more so in a sealed room. But if you don't practice regularly, with periodic review, you won't know any of this, nor how to handle a "sucking" mask, one that may stick to your face with difficulty in removing. Coupled with explosions and the ensuing panic mounting, you could faint with exhaustion and die from asphyxiation.

        Abdominal distress and heat exhaustion can be experienced if you wear a protective mask for some length of time. Stomach muscles may become sore and ache. You will not experience the normal breathing you are used to. You are literally forcefully sucking through the mask. This can be circumvented somewhat by being in good physical shape, doing exercises regularly for the stomach, and mentally being prepared for its use from what we are telling you here (see page 422).

        Remember, use of a mask creates a large breathing load and tires the abdominal muscles quickly. This can result in problems, especially if you are in poor health, or have heart or lung problems already. Have an extremely efficient safe room if you have health problems (water, toilet facilities, food, medicines…), chiefly those associated with breathing, so that you don't have to mask and suit up, unless conditions are extraordinarily bad.


    Getting More Air!

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    Making A Room Safe From Chemical/Biological Elements:

        Making a room safe entails sealing openings (windows, doors, etc.) with duct tape, rags, paper, anything that can reduce large air exchange. Turn off air conditioning and heating units. It will become quite stuffy. Depending upon weather conditions, 24 hours to possibly several days, a biological and/or chemical attack should dissipate, unless you live in a mountainous basin and a temperature inversion is occurring. Chemical agents released under these conditions can become persistent for weeks (see pages 172–174). But, some biologicals create a "gift" that keeps on giving. Various chemical agents on the ground, however, can out–gas. After the allotted time, it should be safe to come out. You should follow pre– and proscriptions, such as washing; when to use antibiotics, if necessary; monitoring media announcements, if they are still up and running; using discernment and know The Signs of The Times. If you stay in your home, have some simple stored foods (canned goods) and water. Terrorist attacks may temporarily close stores.

    Your Safe Room:

    We have investigated a number of ways of doing this, and for most, the easiest way to prepare your safe room and still be cost effective without entailing formulas for positive air flow for "x" number of persons, food storage, potable water, portable toilet(s), (normal utilities may not be working for a while) etc., would be as follows:

        If you designate an inner room, then you are going to have to have some means of getting air into and out of the room. Leave a window opened in one room that connects to the safe room. Place a rectangular high–efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in that outer room window. Then build a frame for the safe room's door to hold another high–efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and a small ledge in front of the filter to rest a small (12 x 12 ) box fan. Big fans use too much energy. The rest of the door area would be sealed by the frame, and this made safe with duct tape. Some filters come framed. Buy according to your needs.


    Making Your HEPA Filter Room!


        If you use a small outer room having toilet facilities, this would be better, if normal utilities and water pressure are not interrupted during a CBW attack with terrorists targeting electrical, water, and natural gas utilities, using explosives and/or computer attacks (have portable toilets handy). You can make the room "safe" by sealing it, given above, then place the HEPA filter in a window partially raised and seal it there. It may take more than one filter to do the job.

        The HEPA can filter out 99 percent of particulate matter in the air, including microbes with a diameter a little larger than 0.3 m (millionths of a meter). This includes, possibly, some of the larger viruses.

        The small fan is placed in front of the filter blowing into the Safe Room. This is known as Positive Pressure when air is pushed out of the room. It is actually pulling air from the outside, through the filter, giving you fresh air, not a lot, but you are getting an exchange, keeping air from coming into any cracks into your Safe Room, as it is continually pushing the air in the room from the filtered outside air out of the room via its cracks, joints, rat holes, cockroach holes, and the like. The "tight" room will have leaks, and this procedure you have created will keep carbon dioxide down. If not removed from the ambient area and no oxygen coming in to the room, carbon dioxide build up in the body can occur, halting various energy producing reactions of the cells.


        But what if the electricity goes down? You can opt for a generator, but someone will have to go possibly to an unsafe area, outside, most likely, and turn it on, and periodically refuel it while wearing a protective suit and mask. You will bring back in with you, if a heavy CBW aerosol attack has been perpetrated against your area, microbes—recall the postal attacks of October 2001, or outgassing, unless you have a positive air lock system, the opposite of the negative Biosafety Level 3 (BSL–3) and decontaminate your protective gear, with your person in it, in a decontamination room.

        In a Biosafety Laboratory, with BSL–3, for example, those "…laboratories are under negative pressure with regard to the corridor outside. When the door is opened, air is sucked into the laboratory," as opposed to air being pushed out. Conditions are created such that air pressure is greater on the outside than on the inside, thus air flows in and not the opposite—this is known as Negative Air Pressure. You want Positive Air Pressure; and, we show you how to create it!


        In a positive system, air will be leaking to the outside from the inside through any crevices, keeping the pressure greater on the inside than on the out. Thus, no CBW agents should enter your safe room. Since you want to create an inexpensive, positive air system without undue exposure, if electricity is halted and you don't want to risk going outdoors (or even if you have the electric generator indoors) to service the generator (and that is dangerous as it releases Carbon Monoxide, a poisonious compound), the next thing would be to invest in a 10 amp solid state automatic battery charger switched for conventional and maintenance free batteries as well as 6 and 12 volts. Also get a 350 watt Power Inverter that converts 12V DC to 120VAC. The Rally® is one we have and find it very good for our needs. You can get it at Kmart. You would need one to several new heavy duty automobile batteries. Get ones that your run vehicle(s) use. The reason is obvious.

        The whole system works this way: have your battery(ies) fully charged, using the automobile battery charger, as needed. If the electricity is halted, or is sporadic, you plug the small box fan into the inverter which is connected to your battery. It will run for hours, pulling in air. Not much, but it will give you fresh air in an emergency. Run it for several hours or more at first when an attack has been announced or you see evidence of CBW. You want a positive system while concentration is high; it will taper off in several hours to a day or so. Have a battery radio to keep abreast of any emergency broadcast advisories. After this, you can operate your positive air system for an hour or so; off for thirty minutes. Continue in this manner to refresh the air. It is the best you can do under the circumstances and for the investment incurred. You want to get through this thing alive and in fair to good health. If the latter procedure falters for you, run the fan more, or continuously at low speed. Hence, the need for more batteries, we feel. When the electricity returns, recharge the battery(ies) immediately and use the regular AC source, switching out as needed, as the electricity may be intermittent.


    The Inverter!


    Plan Your Needs Accordingly.

    Roughly, a family of two, have two batteries or more. You can operate small light fixture(s) for hours. We have done it three to four hours with power to reserve when we used a 60 watt light bulb.

    But, remember, anything that heats (electric heaters, cookers, etc.) up will use power more rapidly.

    This is why you want pure stored water and ready to eat meals in this particular instance (MREs and/or canned goods). Meals Ready To Eat!



    Canned Breast of Chicken [Stock Up For When No Cooking Is Viable!] is ideal as it adds more protein to your diet as the STRESS is burning up your muscle tissue. You need to last for several days to a week for dissipation of CBW agents to occur. Obviously, have a battery powered radio.

    Use Salt Substitute (Mortons) if you are eating most starches, such as beans and rice. Or, use Mortons Lite Salt. You will need the potassium to keep from burning muscle mass as a diet on pure starch ashes, and must be neutralized by the ammonium from protein. Hence, the body will burn more muscle to release the needed compound to neutralize the ash being formed by a diet of pure starch!


        To make the HEPA filter last longer, we suggest you also have a roll of filter material (20 ft. L x 3 ft. W x 1 in.) and place a cut and sized piece from the roll on the outside of the HEPA filter, using duct tape to fasten it in place. When the "All Clear" is given, remove filters from outside the window if possible and incinerate in a burn barrel. A metal trash can would be suitable. Do not try to decontaminate with bleach and other materials given for reuse; the filter will come apart. Have several HEPA filters present for possibly several attacks. Spray the outside exposed roll filter with the filter spray you make up from the video.

    We got our filter material in a roll at Home Depot, made by "True Blue," and the HEPA from Lowe's.

    • Wear your personal CW detection badge, if you have one.

    • If you were contaminated, place Clorox 2®, washing soda, and liquid chlorine bleach (or use UDS) in spray canister:

      • Add liquid soap/detergent; then fill sprayer to top with water.

      • Move to your safe area where you should have your wader pool for such a purpose, if possible. Lean head back or over and commence spraying top of head and back of neck, thoroughly, so as not to get filter wet, if you don't have a protective suit with hood, but managed to put on your protective mask, letting sludge that is formed run off your body. Remember, you only have one minute to decontaminate if not isolated from CW agents.

        Spray body down with clothes on (some have you take clothes off first [if you have time], then spray and wash)! Thoroughly saturate. Then, remove clothes and saturate body again. Scrub, especially the hairy parts and skin folds, and rinse off thoroughly. Be sure and cleanse these parts completely as the nerve agents will most likely have incorporated a polymer to make them persist longer in the atmosphere and are analogous to an oily substance when on the skin, hair, clothes, machinery, and vehicles. They also have a solvent added to increase penetrability of animal tissues and other materials, such as vehicles. They are known as persistent agents.

        If you choose to undress first (our choice if the situation warrants and allows this), then be very careful but quick in removing your clothes as the chemical warfare (CW) agents are now designed to be more sticky and tacky.You want a "buddy" system where one can assist in clothes removal and spraying the other. Hence try not to transfer the CW agents to the skin when removing the clothes. If someone is injured, cut the clothes off. If you can't get the clothes off, saturate them thoroughly to the drip and runoff stage from your body for neutralization to occur, which is decontamination. Time is not on your side.

        If you do not decontaminate your vehicles, machinery, and the like properly, they can "talk" back to you when you think all is clear. Namely, if chlorine bleach and/or caustic soda is not used in the cleansing process; or wasn't used at all—just soap and water, then vehicles, machinery, personal items, and even the soil, will eventually start giving off toxic fumes if the agents penetrated deeply, and probably will; you will be "gassed" possibly all over again (out–gassing). This time it may be fatal because you are unaware of the situation that can occur. Recall that CW agents most often have penetrating (solvent) agents added so they will penetrate your skin effectively and quickly. Thus, with solvents added, they practically penetrate anything.

        If you didn't detox in a safe decontamination area set up by the authorities for your vehicles, etc., you may now have left a toxic waste in the decontaminant. Go back with chlorine bleach or caustic soda (sodium hydroxide–"Red Devil" lye) and decontaminate the immediate area. Make a hot sudsy solution—if possible, and it can be dangerous with lye, of one or the other, or both, and use accordingly. The lye will practically decontaminate anything, but it is caustic.

        When you decontaminate your vehicles and so forth, remember, a risk is still involved if the surface being decontaminated is touched. You can also come in contact with released gases from the surfaces which have been deeply penetrated by the chemical warfare (CW) agent. According to the United Nations Report, under U Thant in 1969, "With certain agents, contamination of the environment, for example of buildings and soil, could persist for several days or weeks. Throughout this period people would be exposed to the risk of contamination by contact and by inhalation." The same has been voiced today by world authorities on CW agents.

        Wash and scrub again with soap and water only this time, not the mixture. We recommend using lye soap this time, pH 9–10; what most normal soaps are, depending on how it was made. Even caustic soda is excellent to decontaminate with if nothing else is available, but it will blister and burn the skin. Therefore, use a weak solution, like a pinch to 1/4 teaspoon in two gallons of water with liquid detergent. Use a stronger watery solution of this on machinery and vehicles if nothing else is present. That is why you are reading this book now—to be prepared. Rinse well.

        Eye Wash/Ophthalmic ointment/solution. Use liberally in both eyes; follow with ophthalmic antibiotics.

        First Aid. In light of the rapidity of nerve agents moving rather quickly to kill, the armed forces issue an auto–injector to the troops. When a soldier in the field has been exposed, he may lose control of fine muscular coordination, but he can save his life by slamming the auto–injector into his thigh muscle, injecting the antidote.

        Modern auto–injectors contain 2 mg of atropine and 500 mg of oxime, such as Andpralidoxime chloride USP, or Pralidoxime chloride (Protopam®) (also known as Protopam Chloride or 2–PAM Chloride) or Obidoxime chloride EP. Code name for the Oxime is often "HI–6." The oxime reacts with the inhibited enzyme, acetylcholin esterase (AChE), that has been blocked from destroying acetylcholine. ACh becomes excess under these conditions. The nerve is then under repeated stimulation and causes problems and even death. The oxime can regenerate or restore the enzyme to its functional state that has been organo–phosphorus inactivated. Only government agencies, at this writing, have access to getting auto–injectors from Meridian Medical Technologices, Columbia, MD. Their web site is: (

        It takes both of these substances to save the life of the affected individual.

        However, the 2–Pam Chloride (Oxime) has been used, according to one writer, successfully, but warns, this substance should be administered as an assistant or addition to the atropine. Since paralysis of the respiratory system results from a neural attack, artificial respiration is always mandatory, even for hours, while the injections take hold. The victim's breathing will be shallow and rapid as it becomes progressively slower and intermittent, whereby the patient then collapses and sinks into deep unconsciousness and death; hence, give the artificial respiration.

        There are two types of acetylcholine receptors [a receptor is that area of the other nerve receiving the neurotransmitter (ACh)]: One is muscarinic. This connects with smooth muscles, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and glands. The other is nicotinic. They are found in the skeletal muscles. Atropine blocks the muscarinic but not the nicotinic receptors. Oximes uncouple the phosphorylating group from the enzyme, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), restoring it to regular activity, allowing it to get back into the "fight," as it were. Therefore, you need both drugs together for best results. You are cautioned, however, that Atropine is toxic in high doses. It generally safer in low doses, but it should not be used unless you are certain you have been poisoned with a nerve agent.

        The antidotes (atropine/oxime) given can mitigate neural agents' effects. Obidoxime, for instance, can regenerate AChE that has been inhibited by the toxin. But, if AChE "aging" has occurred by certrain organic phosphonates and phosphates, the enzyme can't be restored—it has been so badly "hacked–up," so to speak, that it can't be regenerated and is out of commission permanently. The parts won't fit for regeneration. For instance, a soman attack is more difficult to treat because the stymied enzyme undergoes a further chemical reaction which makes the treatment with oxime ineffectual. The enzyme has become aged with a recovery rate approximating zero. Sarin neural agents age AChE in one to two hours, but soman, within minutes. This is why you must start physical detoxification procedures and antidote treatment immediately. The neural agents will probably be in a cocktail (G– and V–agents) format.

        The symptoms from a nerve agent exposure given earlier are treated by atropine. Atropine binds to the receptor sites for acetylcholine and blocks them from the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, responsible for the continued firing of the neural response. In a manner of speaking, the repeated stimulation is "switched off."

        If you are at risk for exposure to neural agents containing organophosphorus (OP) compounds, the literature suggests, you can take physostigmine (eserine) or one of the other family members of the carbamates, of which physostigmine comes from. The enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, is targeted and bound by the physostigmine. This means the neural agent can't get to it and the agent is eventually degraded. However, this action necessitates giving physostigmine before a neural attack occurs. This is done when you are at known risk for exposure to neural agents, not any other time. The enzyme bound with physostigmine is slowly and continuously released through hydrolysis, thereby releasing the acetylcholinesterase, thus, maintaining enough of the hydrolysis of the enzyme to permit the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, to conduct normal neural signals.

        If the oxime treatment is given also, practically all the unaged acetylcholinesterase that is bound with the physostigmine is released.

        It would be advisable to have a knowledgeable physician administer physostigmine and oxime to you, but this may not be the case in most circumstances. What we have done is give you knowledge, physicians may not have, but in a confused, mass attack, he might be able to secure these things for you if you have been exposed. You have the knowledge; he has the product. Get together.

        Acetylcholinesterase can be inhibited by an organophosphorus (OP) or a carbamate anticholinesterase. If the neural agent included carbamates and OP compounds, atropine is the effective antidote agent for OP substances by blocking the receptor site for acetylcholine, and oximes, such as 2–Pam, for regenerating the AChE. However, if the neural attacking agent consisted only of a carbamate anticholinesterase, then atropine is the antidote to be used; but 2–Pam or another oxime is not effective. 2–Pam, Obidoxime, or other oximes are of little or no use in this type of nerve poisoning. For this reason, "the non–specific therapy is the same as that for organophosphate compounds, but only atropine is used as a specific antidote. Since death is the result of respiratory failure, the maintenance of an adequate airway and artificial respiration are of critical importance."—Dictionary of Toxicology, 2nd Ed., pp. 88–9; 307; 346.

        The life has been saved, but confusion, memory problems, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and difficulty in thinking, as well as muscular weakness may ensue for weeks after such an attack. This is because it takes 2 to 3 weeks for the body to generate to its previous levels of acetylcholinesterase.

        In many cases, if the nerve agent was concentrated in an area, a second shot of the atropine/oxime may need to be administered within 10 minutes if a person does not respond by his condition improving quickly. Regardless, the subject most likely will have the above psychodynamic and physical problems for a number of weeks. The oxime does not penetrate well into the brain. Remember, the nicotinic receptors—the ones dealing with the skeletal muscles (neuromuscular junctions) and autonomic ganglia. This entails the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Its job is to detect environmental changes in the body, such as the level of oxygen, temperature, lack of glucose, or the approach of danger, and relay this information back to the CNS, as well as relay back the resultant instructions from the spinal cord and brain (CNS) to the appropriate effector organs such as glands and muscles.

        Consequently, the victim of a nerve agent attack may show signs of confusion, loss of memory recall, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and other symptoms associated with thinking and the brain. But, the PNS has already recovered or shown little or no symptoms or effects from the attack. The oximes do not penetrate and protect the brain very well, but they do restore AChE to normal activity and this involves the PNS—primarily the skeletal muscles and the autonomic ganglia, a concentrated mass of nerve cells in the autonomic nervous system. Nevertheless, the victim could still suffer from muscular weakness for several weeks. It would take this long for the body to regenerate acetylcholinesterase.

        The victim can also suffer with severely impaired memory and recall, coupled with reasoning capability and disturbed behavior. This type of dementia may also be associated with tissue damage of the brain. A substance which may help to prevent this, as well as curb the neural attacks effects on all nervous tissue is are There are substances found in eggs (yolks; another reason we suggest you get your cholesterol up and be on real, whole eggs now; the so-called essential fatty acids we do not recommend anymore). They may be associated with more damage to the body when one is taking them and radiations increase.
    The Omega-3 oils it appears everyone is on now, just may hasten one's demise as they are highly reactive and just may become extremely toxic. AVOID! They become rancid quickly in the body!

    We suggest real butter and coconut oil.

        You may also be left with tiredness and weakness, no energy. It would be advisable to consider taking now, as well as then, NADH and CoQ–10. The main purposes of these are to drive your biological machinery in terms of cellular respiration in every cell of the body. Without these substances, you don't move, or move efficiently, enough electrons about to form sufficient ATP, a high–energy compound necessary for good, robust, healthy energy. CoQ–10 is the substance necessary for the electron transport chain. Without this, you grind to a halt. The latter should be taken with oil (Coconut Oil or Butter) or premixed in an oil capsule. Recommendation: take 400 mg daily in divided doses, and similarly two NADH 5 mg tablets.

        Also include in this regimen, carnosine (500 mg capsules), alpha lipoic acid with biotin (250 mg/2500 mcg), P–5–P (active form of B–6; 50 mg) and pantethine (active form of pantothenic acid; 300 mg). We suggest several each per day.

    Caution Note When Using Physostigmine:

        "Physostigmine inactivate[s] cholinesterase so that the cholinesterase normally in the synapses will not hydrolyze acetylcholine released at the end–plate [speaking of skeletal muscles here]. As a result, acetylcholine increases in quantity with successive nerve impulses [the transmission of the depolarization process along a nerve or muscle fiber is called a nerve or muscle impulse] so that extreme amounts of acetylcholine can accumulate and repetitively stimulate the muscle fiber. This causes muscular spasm when even a few nerve impulses reach the muscle; this can cause death due to laryngeal spasm [voice box area] which smothers the person.

        "…physostigmine combines with cholinesterase [acetylcholinesterase] to inactivate it for several hours, after which they are displaced from the cholinesterase so that it once again becomes active." —Guyton; Textbook of Medical Physiology, Sixth Edition, 1981; p. 140.

        Note: The spasm in the smooth and skeletal muscles can, if too much physostigmine is used, go from spasms to flaccid paralysis, and then death!

        Another, more safe, compound you can get "over the counter" at your local health food store that does the same thing as physostigmine, is Huperzine A (Hup A). It is safe, effective and used as an anti–brain aging factor; improves memory through increased acetylcholine, and most importantly, is an effective substitute for the prescription drug, physostigmine. Huperzine A can be taken on a regular basis.


    Full Pack Trekking

    Full Pack Trekking


    Full Pack Trekking With Compass & Map

    Full Pack Trekking With Map And Compass



    If your Protective Mask (Gas Mask) has a side extension for a drinking tube, control valve and canteen, See it Here.
    Get The Unit Here:


    Print Out Several of This Chart, Place one on your Refrigerator such that it is seen by everyone regularly. Place some in your run vehicle; One each in your various run bags, and, of course, in each of your Protective Mask bags.

    Depending on your Operating System, you may/will have to use Zoom Level to shrink the size, then go to file, then click on Print PreviewLandscape → Shrink To Fit and Click on it; then, click on 30% (Cursor Down to 30 % and left click on it). Then, adjust left margin to fullest left; right margin to the fullest right position; then, adjust Top and Bottom Margins. All this is for Windows XP with Internet Explorer. The adjustments are made to get the best Charts possible; if you are using another OS, experiment with it such that you do not get any cut-off, but get the full intelligence data.

    If you did not get your cans of "Just Oxygen," it is now too late; therefore the above you saw was for those who followed through, as the company no longer makes it. We are investigating possibly another. We spoke earlier in an above video about a canteen for water made for the gas mask (See it Below:). Get the extra long hose (9 feet) for water from the above link. You can be hooked up to the water as well as the canteen with a tri-splitter; commonly called a Hose Splitter Tee from an auto parts supply house.

    For those of you who did get 'Just Oxygen,' you can use the spray Nozzle by taking it off and placing that Nozzle on the Boost Oxygen can, after removing the green cap and covering.

    Get it Here:

    Assess The Above Ideas for Your Situation. Are You Ready?

    The Canteen For The Protective Mask (Gas Mask)!


    Using The 'WP' & Rigid Mask & Bandana!


    Decontamination of Chemical/Biological Agents!


    Things Can Close In On You...If UnAwares!


    Putting It All Together!


    Get A Wader Pool!


    A Different Story
    Peter Schilling:

    I'm so lonely on my way,
    Waiting for a better day.
    Only one thing left behind:
    A world of lust and crime.

    There's no place for me to hide.
    I don't know what's wrong or right.
    Pain and sorrow in my mind;
    A world of lust and crime.

    See the wise man in the graveyard;
    Scream and cry the different story.
    Lonely people in his old park
    Know the answer just for everything.

    Love turns a friendly card.
    With a different story it'll open your heart.
    Forever love is a dangerous game.
    You don't have to worry 'cause it's easy to play.

    There's a chance for me and you,
    Making all our dreams come true.
    Trust enough and you won't find
    A world of lust and crime.

    See the wise man in the graveyard;
    Scream and cry the different story.
    Lonely people in his old park
    Know the answer just for everything.

    Love turns a friendly card.
    With a different story it'll open your heart.
    Forever love is a dangerous game.
    You don't have to worry 'cause it's easy to play.

    See the wise man in the graveyard;
    Scream and cry the different story.
    Lonely people in his old park
    Know the light of hope and glory.

    Wise Man In Cemetery!

    More On A Different Story!



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